CA: Former coach in Rancho Cucamonga pleads guilty to hidden camera in high school bathroom

Source: 11/19/22

A former assistant coach at Los Osos High School pleaded guilty this week to three felony and three misdemeanor counts for possession of child pornography or for a concealed camera to peak through a hole in a girls’ bathroom.

David ___, 54, was arrested after a staff member at the Rancho Cucamonga campus discovered the hidden camera in August 2021. While out on bail, ___ was arrested again after child pornography was discovered from search warrants executed on his electronic devices.

He worked at Los Osos High from 2015 until he resigned in 2021. He was the boys’ locker-room attendant and an assistant coach for the varsity football team.

The San Bernardino County District Attorney’s Office filed more than two dozen criminal charges last year. Authorities said 21 girls were secretly photographed from Jan. 1, 2015 to Aug. 23, 2021.

In exchange for pleading guilty to six charges, the other 29 were dismissed.

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someday science will come forward and state that this is normal behaviour, just look at our Leaders!

He knew what was on his electronic devices the night he made bail, he should’ve grabbed what he could and made a run for the border 🇲🇽 🏃‍♂️

Chalk it up to the Registry once again for failing to protect the students of Los Osos High. It sure does nothing to prevent future sex crimes from happening. And it never will. Another community has been scammed and cheated from a system that does not work to protect the vulnerable – only gives hack politicians votes and law enforcement easy money.

The micro mini cam as popular as the micro mini kini.
This micro aggression mimics big brother completely.
If you’re in an imaging business; these are fine days laads.
If you’re in the coaching business the legal environment is pernicious at best. They did what with the dismissed 29 cases? Read in?
SCOTUS ruled anew on casual versus causal dismissal recently and applied limits to its use. I need the cite.

Those poor girls. Being betrayed in such a fashion by a person they should be able to trust, is heartbreaking. What is even more heartbreaking is knowing they are not the first, nor will they be the last to suffer this way. America is going to continue to throw children, like these girls, under the bus to maintain their obsession with punishing those who commit these crimes. Failure to actually prevent these situations seems to be a price America is willing to pay for the opportunity to punish.

Perhaps someday, the Nation will realize that nothing we are doing is actually protecting children from anything. Perhaps, after enough children have been victimized like this, and worse, Americans will finally realize something needs to change. We will never be able to arrest, incarcerate, and register this problem away. Cops, and prisons and registries are never going to, “Fix this”. Until then, it is only a matter of time before we read the next story like this.

So long as America can live in the delusion that by destroying this person’s life, that will somehow prevent the next instance. This is nothing short of magical thinking. As always, America would rather fail completely doing things the way we want, than achieve any level of success doing things we don’t like. The means, as always, will justify the ends. Americans will simply wish whatever ends they need to justify the means to themselves into existence…then demand that they are true!

I don’t know what can be done, all I know is what we are doing is a total failure, and simply doing more of the same isn’t going to change that.

Whatever you want to think of the registry or those that implement it, this is the kind of person it was originally meant for. The actions he took violated the trust of those kids he was supervising.

I would think now is the time to say “those without sin cast the first stone”. Believe it or not computers can be the downfall of all mankind if not used as a weapon of man’s imagination.

So why would one want to look at porn on a daily, weekly, or whatever basis. Just ask many on here and they will say… “Because we can”. How direct is that. Hey if authorities are reaping and Sowing than they have a lot to sow or who was Mussolini today in this Sex Scandleous boardwalk.error of judgement.

Seems many on here are not getting the point of this whole registry. Sure  is it the”because we can mentality of humans, to get the best of a situation, or is it the opportunity gain or empower over another in this challenge, or the suvival of the fitest, or was true justice served in this effort of vain justice. I hate to say this but many in their comments want to empower over another in a lot of this stumbling block of errors. And that is sad I hate to say.

See this coach ordeal says a lot about people even the responsibility. Sure Janice and her team are only their to defend their clients to the best of even their understanding but even with the understanding one has to have the wisdom.

This computer contraption is just a tool to aid in the real devious and twisted efforts authorities use to demise on another in seductive way. And its funny in many cases its all about protecting and serving when its really about overcoming another in much of this error of judgement.

What I find amusing about this whole hidden camera high school stuff, is that when I was in high school during the 70s and early 80s, you would have to conceal a big az Handy Cam Pro to get a peak at anything in the girls bathroom. If someone was going to peak, they’d have to be at the scene of the crime. But nowadays, folks just set up their equipment and run—like this coach. Now this clown got himself wrapped up in a child pornography charge, which could have been a low level voyeurism charge if he’d only done the peeping Tom thing.

Well, I’m not sure what to say. He was put in a position of authority and took advantage of it. Yet, I’ve seen instances where female teachers have had relationships with students and not been required to register? What’s worst?